
Hello there brothers and sisters…

New month, new season... a good time for new things!!

I think ill start with this..
most of you sweet humans don’t really know me.. I’m this jewelry making lady you bought something from, but let me tell you, I’m a little, just a little more than that, and I thought it is a good opportunity to introduce myself..

So this is me… Liat is my name ,that means “you are for me”! I live with my sweet man and my dog, in a little house in the woods, on a mountain, in the Galilee... (Sounds familiar from somewhere?)
I make jewelry, I sew cloths, I do ceramics, I cook (vegan food), I hate to clean, and I’m very messy….

this is me in my back yard, while shooting nose ring pic's

I usually don’t write a lot, that’s because of 2 things: I’m a bit shay, and English is not my first language, and let me tell you.. I’m getting better and better in it all the time!! So today I thought, “hey, why not?”, and set in front of the computer and started to write…

In the year I have been selling my jewelry on ETSY, (http://www.etsy.com/shop/studiolil) and a great thing happened.. I opened myself to the world!! To this global village, and I must say … its amazing! Thinking of the idea that my packages are been sent to big cities, small villages, near the ocean, in the woods, to sunny places, to rainy countries… its more than I ever wished for…

And that made me think of a sweet idea:

First, I’m going to ask all you people, wearing my jewelry to send me a picture of you wearing my creation to this mail:  liat.art.israel@gmail.com , second I’m going to wait till you do it!!! Just kidding, second, on the 25.12.2012, I’m going to make a lottery of all the names of you how actually sanded me one, and one of you will be getting a free jewelry (that you choose..) from me!!! In that way I’ll get to see how you are, and you might win a prize…
if only one person will send, he will be the winner, so why not it will you?????


Beside that this month is about to be full of Christmas sales in my shop:
1. From today, till 1.12, shipping is free!!! with the coupon code: NOVSALE

2. Buy 2, get one free!! Contact me for questions…

3. Every week one item will be 50% off the normal price…

A little of the new creations:

this is Bob

and this is Triny...

So… stay toned, visit the shop from time to time ,and most important, don’t forget to smile!!!
With love

studio lil art and design
www.etsy.com/shop/studiolil  my shop on etsy

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